standard-title Topographical Surveying (GPS)

Topographical Surveying (GPS)

Over the last 10 years Matrix have been utilising GPS in order to record accurate data on site. This technology is constantly evolving and is becoming commonplace on many projects. Matrix are constantly looking at new ways in which to utilise this technology so that we can provide accurate and comprehensive drawings but also provide an efficient and cost effective service. This technology allows us to work in rural and remote locations where topographical reference points such as buildings are sparse or unavailable.

Our current equipment allows us to collate accurate positions with centimetre accuracy whilst collating detailed information about the feature or utility we record. In the past GPS equipment has been limited by the technology it uses. However Matrix uses the latest equipment, RTK correction data and multi network sim cards so that we have a reliable and accurate service in some of the most demanding areas. The use of this equipment has also allowed us to diversify, providing topographical land surveys as well as providing setting out services prior to the installation of the new utility.